Valerie James Consultants


Valerie James is at the forefront of innovation in the UK in developing health service leaders.  A Senior Fellow in Leadership at the King’s Fund for 10 years, she worked with over 800 senior clinicians and managers on ground breaking interventions.  These included the Top and Senior Manager Programmes, Athena for executive women, Management for 500+ Specialist Registrars and, with Dr Eden Charles, the Transformational Leadership Programme for senior BME leaders in the NHS.  Professor Alimo-Metcalf independently evaluated TLP as outstanding.  As a result, Valerie and Eden were nominated by over 100 people for the national Leadership Awards 2009 and again in 2010 (Partnership Category) for enabling multiple, sustained personal and organisational improvements.

 A full time independent consultant since 2010, clients include two international order of nuns, the Department of Health and Department for Education, King Fahad Medical City - 8 hospitals in Riyadh, The Health Foundation, on patient safety and board leadership, and the national college of police leadership on partnership working. She wrote the first QI strategy in the NHS, working in partnership from Board to Ward to create demonstration projects, specialising in the human factors blocks to improvement.

Previously she has been a chief executive grade in the NHS and an academic. She has two clinical trainings, three behavioural science degrees, three postgraduate clinical diplomas and a PGCE. Accredited by CEDR International as a mediator, she specialises in mediating with doctors.  She works creatively with transformational change, inequality and conflict.  Valerie has been an executive coach to many senior figures and has taught coaching skills for over eighteen years.  She has a passion for partnership working across systems and for bridging differences. 

Visiting Senior Fellow, Kingston University

Independent Consultant: Corporate Psychologist; CEDR Accredited Mediator

Consulting Editor, International Journal of Public Leadership

Recent Projects Include: